The fourth edition of The Project Repository Journal is now live and freely available to download and read here.
This latest edition of the PR j contains a special feature on responsible research and innovation (RRI). A selection of some of the leading projects in this field such as Nucleus, RRI Practice and FIT4RRI demonstrate initiatives, tools and research into why RRI isn’t just important to the scientific community but to society.
This edition also sees the first of our exciting new project dissemination supplements from the African BioServices project.
Please make sure you also read all the dissemination articles from all the wonderful and potentially ground breaking projects we have worked with in this issue and get in touch with the EDMA team if you require further information about any of our contributors.
H2020 Funding Calls deadline April 2020
Horizon 2020 is looking to invest over €350 million in the latest round of funding calls for 2020.
Autism Europe brings together global experts
Record numbers of autism experts from across the world in gather in Nice to foster change and inclusion at Autism Europe’s 12th International Congress.
Horizon Europe
Transition of the ERC from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe.
Sustainable Plastic Competition
UKRI leads fight against unsustainable plastics with two new Competitions.
Space: The Next Frontier
The European Commission and European Investment Bank Group join forces to boost space sector investment with €200 million of financing.
Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC)
Sheffield Hallam University open the most advanced research centre in the world for developing innovations that will increase physical activity and improve population health.
EU-Korea Research and Innovation Day 2019
The 5th EU-Korea research and innovation day raising awareness of the EU science and innovation programme and enhancing EU-Korea collaborations
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG, German Research Foundation) is to Fund Seven New Research Units and One New Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences.