Article Details | Date Published | Last Updated | Article Summary | Contributor (First) Given Name | Contributor (First) Surname | Contributor (First) Affiliation | Project | Article_category | Publication_tag | Article Link | Article PDF | |
Pointwise ergodic theorems for nonconventional bilinear polynomial averages along prime orbits | 09-10-2024 | 14-10-2024 | Following our proof of the first Goldbach result in number field setting after 60 years (Mitsui 1960s), We give new information on density ternary Goldbach problem after 10 years (Shao 2013), and also design a new strategy to prove density version of representing a number as sum of “certain” primes. We also apply Rosser Sieve arguments to prove represtation of integers into sum of primes coming from a zero density subset. From Ergodic theory side, we give the first pointwise bilinear theorem along the primes, which is the natural pointwise convergence along prime result after Wierdl (1990) and a natural follow up after recent pointwise bilinear break-through by Krause Mirek-Tao (2021). In another project, the sharpest pointwise convergence average along primes for “near” integrable function is given, which is sharp up to Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. | Hamed | Mousavi | University of Bristol | PCMEA Project | Mathematical Science | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Transforming food systems: the FOODCoST project | 09-10-2024 | 09-10-2024 | The FOODCoST project is focused on creating a harmonised method to uncover the externalities of food production and consumption. These hidden costs encompass environmental, social, and economic impacts. Thus, the objective is to redefine the value of food through tools, policies, and business models that point towards sustainable production and consumption in the food system. | Michiel | Van Galen | Wageningen University and Research | FOODCoST project | Agri-Foodstuffs, Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Economics, Society | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions: Harmonising food production and biodiversity conservation | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | LIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions aims to further disseminate proven measures for the promotion of pollinating insects in agriculture and resolutely break new ground: a positive ecological impact is no longer limited to the individual farm. Landscapes benefit holistically, and the concept is transferable to many cultivation regions in Germany and the EU. The project develops tailor-made biodiversity action plans and creates 700 hectares of insect-friendly farmland plus 100 hectares of new insect-friendly habitats. This means less fertiliser, higher soil fertility and more biodiversity. In addition, trainers, advisors, and certifiers are trained, and the insect population is monitored using a specially created citizen science tool. | Kristin | Mehler | Global Nature Fund | LIFE Insect Responsible Sourcing Regions (IRSR) | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Nature & Biodiversity | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
From concept to reality: Vestas Aircoil’s approach to realising a digital twin | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | CP-Sens is working to make digital twin technology accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the mechanical and structural engineering sectors. The project is creating a user-friendly platform that combines sensors, simulation models and real-time data to create virtual replicas of physical systems. This technology allows SMEs to monitor, analyse and optimise their products and processes, leading to cost savings, faster innovation and improved efficiency. | Claus | Ibsen | Vestas Aircoil | CP-Sens Project | Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Innovate for Europe: a showcase of solutions in green tech, health tech and smart city solutions | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | URBAN TECH was a three-year project which, through its programme, provided opportunities for companies to propose solutions to more than 300 challenges. The selected 160 companies were able to validate the solution with challenge owners during hackathons. 80 companies were selected to develop an MVP, and 33 were able to do piloting with the help of a mentor and experts. Out of the 33 selected companies, 23 continued to a market discovery phase. | Pietro | Rigonat | LOBA | URBAN TECH project | Built Environment, Climate & Environment, Future Technologies, Medicine | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
A new era of possibilities for dendritic zeolite | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | The ERC Advanced Grant TODENZE project aims to develop a new type of highly accessible zeolites exhibiting a dendritic nanoarchitecture, which could provide remarkable benefits in a wide range of fields. In particular, the project explores the use of dendritic zeolites as catalysts for biomass valorisation and as nanocarriers for combined drug and gene therapies. | David P. | Serrano | Rey Juan Carlos University | TODENZE project | Material Science | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Simulating the evolution of Earth’s environment to understand complex life in the universe | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | SIM-EARTH is an ERC Consolidator Grant project. It aims to understand why Earth’s surface environment has changed over time so we can better understand our past, how to manage our planet for the future, and where to look for complex life in the universe. | Benjamin | Mills | University of Leeds | SIM-EARTH project | Space | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Harnessing the wheat microbiome: unlocking pathways to improved food quality and human health | 08-10-2024 | 15-10-2024 | The WHEATBIOME project gathers 13 partners from academia, industry, food systems and governmental bodies aiming to explore how biotic/abiotic factors impact soil and wheat microbial communities. The project will contribute to the development of novel and healthier food and feed products while enhancing sustainable farming practices for resilient crops and societal perception about microbiomes within food systems. | Rosa | Perez-Gregorio | LAQV-REQUIMTE | WHEATBIOME project | Agri-Foodstuffs, Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
From paper to innovation: revolutionising technology with the ancient art of origami and kirigami | 08-10-2024 | 25-10-2024 | The S-FOAM project aims to enhance metamaterial design by integrating origami/kirigami techniques into cellular structures, allowing for self-foldability and shape-morphing in response to stimuli. This research seeks to optimise material stiffness, strength and resilience. Potential applications include soft robotics, wearable devices, adaptive medical devices and flexible solar panels that adjust their shape according to sunlight. | Diego | Misseroni | Univerisità degli Studi di Trento | S-FOAM Project | Engineering | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Exploring vagal neuromodulation: a novel approach to managing pain sensitivity in irritable bowel syndrome | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, chronic gastrointestinal disorder characterised by recurring abdominal pain and discomfort. This project will work under the hypothesis that IBS is linked to a malfunctioning of the brain-gut communication axis and proposes to address this dysfunction through transcutaneous electrical vagus nerve stimulation. To assist in identifying IBS patients suitable for this treatment, the study team aims to develop a neural signature using biometrics and neuroimaging. The study has the potential to revolutionise the treatment of IBS and other pain disorders, providing personalised and effective therapies. | Daniel | Keszthelyi | Maastricht University | RESILIENCE project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Next-generation mobile communication leveraging cutting-edge photonic technologies (Photonic 6G) | 08-10-2024 | 21-10-2024 | Our aim is to develop ‘Photonic 6G’, an all-photonic THz communication technology, by integrating advanced photonic methods. This includes generating low-phase-noise THz waves with microcombs and converting modulated THz waves into optical carrier signals. By leveraging these advancements, we aim to enable advanced modulation and multiplexing in the optical domain, ultimately achieving the integration for photonic 6G. | Takeshi | Yasui | Tokushima University | PHOTONIC 6G Project | Communications, Computing | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Wetland Restoration benefits both climate and biodiversity | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | In GRIP on LIFE IP, public authorities in Sweden work together with forest owners’ associations, non-governmental organisations and researchers to improve environmental consideration of waters and wetlands in the forest landscape while continuing active forest management. Our goal is to improve the environment and conditions for animals and plants living in the forest’s watercourses and wetlands. | Gunilla | Oleskog | The Swedish Forest Agency | GRIP on LIFE IP project | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Nature & Biodiversity | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Shock value: advancing sustainable sensing materials | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | Biomolecular crystals have emerged as exciting new sustainable piezoelectrics. Currently, little research is focused on developing these crystals as reliable, solid-state sensors to integrate into conventional electronic devices due to their water solubility, uncontrolled growth, variable response and electroding difficulties. Pb-FREE is taking on the challenge of accelerating the design, growth, and engineering of these novel piezoelectric materials through high-throughput computational screenings, novel crystal growth procedures, and standardised electromechanical characterisation and packaging. | Sarah | Guerin | Guerin | Pb-FREE project | Material Science | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Using meteorite magnetism to elucidate early solar system history – MMESSH | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | By utilising several recent breakthroughs in extraterrestrial magnetism, MMESSH aims to unlock pivotal insights into the protoplanetary disk of dust and gas that surrounded the young Sun. Because the behaviour of this disk underpinned the process of planet building, this project has the potential to revolutionise our understanding of the formation and habitability of the Earth. | James | Bryson | University of Oxford | MMESH project | Space | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Hessische Rhön – mountain grassland, rough grazing and their birds | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | The project is particularly dedicated to conservation and development measures for the species-rich mountain grassland and the protection of endangered bird species in open areas of the Hessian low mountain ranges of the Rhön. By implementing different types of landscape maintaining measures in close cooperation with local farmers and municipalities valuable habitats in the Natura 2000 protected area network were substantially improved. | Katharina | Bach | UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat Rhön | LIFE Rhön Grasslands Birds project | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Nature & Biodiversity | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Law’s role in fostering inclusive and accessible pedestrian environments: insights from a multinational study | 08-10-2024 | 02-12-2024 | This project aims to strengthen initiatives to use law, policy and awareness-raising to enhance the accessibility of city streets, particularly for disabled and older pedestrians. It focuses on five countries and, within each of them, two cities. It draws on law/policy analysis, qualitative data from interviews and street-filming with city-based pedestrians, and interviews with national stakeholders. | Anna | Lawson | University of Leeds | INCLUSIVE PUBLIC SPACE project | Society | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The ‘glass route’ for improving the sustainability of photovoltaic technology | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | Building upon previous life cycle assessments of photovoltaic technologies, the sustainability of photovoltaic modules will be increased by improving the mechanical and optical properties of the glass and plastics (PET and EVA) used to manufacture the modules. The reduction of ion migration towards the active solar cell will extend the lifetime of the modules and facilitate its recyclability at the end of life. Bismuth oxide has been tested as a material to improve the properties of the glass cover. | Antonio | Urbina | Universidad Pública de Navarra | ION4PV project | Energy | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Tackling emerging contaminants from water streams: the LIFE PRISTINE project | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | The LIFE PRISTINE project aims to develop the PRISTINE Integrated Solution to remove contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) from water streams. This technology will be adaptable on a case-by-case basis for drinking water, to protect humans from CECs, and for wastewater, to protect the environment and remove these contaminants from the water cycle. | Mireia Marcé | Escalé | University of Barcelona | LIFE PRISTINE project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
GPCR FORUM— towards community-driven science powered by young investigators | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | GPCR Forum is a platform dedicated to the GPCR research community with the aim to keep the community active as well as foster communication and collaborations—initiated by our previous GLISTEN and ERNEST COST Actions. Investigators from diverse backgrounds will be connected via this free-membership forum. Please join us and contribute to member-run activities like Zoominars, online meetings and help build new projects. | Antonella | Di Pizio | Technical University of Munich | GPCR FORUM | Biology | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Advancing heavy manufacturing | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | The main objective of ENGINE is to develop a first-time-right (FTR) and zero-defect metal product design and manufacturing system, then demonstrate it on the marine engine supply chain. Our ambition is to increase the competitiveness of industry and SMEs, reduce manufacturing defects and waste, create new business cases and improve employee well-being. | Anssi | Laukkanen | Technical Research Centre of Finland | ENGINE project | Engineering | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
International collaboration as a turning point for sudden cardiac arrest prediction and treatment: the PARQ COST Action | 08-10-2024 | 08-10-2024 | PARQ aims to create a network of researchers across Europe whose overall aim is to reduce the societal burden of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). To reach this aim, PARQ will conduct studies that focus on two dimensions: (1) prevention of SCA through the discovery of its inherited, acquired, and environmental causes, and their interaction, and improved recognition of individuals at risk; and (2) improvement of survival chances after SCA through the development and implementation of resuscitation treatments in the community. | Hanno L. | Tan | University of Amsterdam, | PARQ-COST project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
New molecular and cell-based approaches to assess food astringency and bitterness | 08-10-2024 | 15-10-2024 | Mouthfeel properties are crucial for human survival, nutrition, health and well-being. Unpleasant taste and mouthfeel properties in plant-based food, such as bitterness and astringency, are a challenge for food industries as flavour is key for consumer’s food choices. BeTASTy will contribute to deciphering the physiological and neural mechanisms involved in the interindividual unpleasant taste and mouthfeel perceptions through innovative molecular and cell-based approaches. | Susana | Soares | University of Porto | BeTASTy project | Agri-Foodstuffs | The PRj Volume 21 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Farm LIFE – Farming the future | 02-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | Farm LIFE aimed to develop and implement sustainable farming practices through innovative agroforestry approaches. By integrating trees, shrubs, crops and animals, we improved soil health, manage drought, and enhance biodiversity, while increasing farmers’ income. The establishment of the Agro Farm Forestry label, creation of regional networks, development of the Transition Toolkit and educational resources have laid a strong foundation for the continued growth and adoption of agroforestry. | Euridice | Leyequien Abarca | Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences | Farm LIFE Project | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Design Automation for Field-Coupled Nanotechnologies | 02-07-2024 | 08-07-2024 | Nanotechnologies promise alternatives to conventional CMOS-based circuits with enhancements in terms of energy dissipation and feature size. But automated methods and software tools for this technology are still at their infancy. This project aims at developing automatic and efficient methods, e.g., for synthesis, physical design, and simulation of corresponding circuits. | Robert | Wille | Technical University Munich | DA-QC Project | Computing | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | ||
PHERA project brings eco-friendly pest solutions to field crops | 02-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The PHERA project aims to accelerate the global transition to sustainable agriculture by establishing insect pheromones as a viable alternative to insecticides in row crops. The project has scaled up a new, cost-effective method for the mass production of pheromones and has developed application systems for their use in pest control in row crops. | Camilla | Hebo Buus | FMC Corporation | PHERA Project | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The power of words | 02-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | Compared to our closest living relatives, who typically use fewer than 100 words, humans can build vocabularies of tens of hundreds of thousands of words. The ERC- funded Advanced Grant project ‘Material Constraints enabling Human Cognition’, or ‘MatCo’, will find out why. It will use novel insights from human neurobiology. These will be translated into mathematically exact computational models to find new answers to long-standing questions in cognitive science, linguistics and philosophy. The project will also explore how semantic meaning is implemented for gestures and words and, more specifically, for referential and categorical terms. To identify human cognitive capacities, MatCo will develop models replicating structural differences between human and non-human primate brains. The results will shed light on the biologically constrained networks. | Friedemann | Pulvermüller | Freie Universität Berlin | MatCo Project | Biology, LINGUISTICS, Society | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The Medieval March of Wales | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The project aims to create the first cultural history of the medieval March of Wales, the borderlands between Wales and England. The main aims are to catalogue the manuscripts produced and circulated in the medieval March from 1282 to 1550, to create an original series of digital maps of the Marcher lordships, and to explore cultural identities in a British border region. | Helen | Fulton | University of Bristol | MOWLIT Project | History & Antiquities | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Unravelling Earth’s story: how crystals reveal the secrets of landscape evolution | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | LUMIN aims to revolutionise research by developing a comprehensive model of luminescence in feldspar, the most common mineral in Earth’s crust. The project will examine electron behaviour in defects in feldspar lattice using cutting-edge imaging and simulations and use the results of these investigations to develop a unified model of luminescence. This model will enable the accurate measurement of erosion and transport rates on unprecedented spatial and temporal scales, providing vital insights for landscape evolution studies, geohazard prediction and land use management. | Mayank | Jain | Technical University of Denmark | LUMIN Project | Climate & Environment, Geology | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Fungal wars: tracing single-cell scale chemical signalling between interacting soil fungi | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | INTERSPEC is dedicated to developing a Raman spectroscopy-based approach for tracing chemical signalling between interacting soil fungal cells to answer important questions within fungal ecology: what determines whether fungi are neutral, antagonistic or facilitative towards each other? What are their ‘warfare strategies’? How do the interactions affect the decomposition of organic matter in soils and, subsequently, carbon cycling? | Milda | Pucetaite | Lund University, Sweden. | INTERSPEC Project | Climate & Environment, Nature & Biodiversity | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Revolutionising fertiliser production: the CONFETI project | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The EIC-funded CONFETI project aims to develop innovative lab-scale technology that captures and converts CO2 and N2 from air or flue gases into urea using renewable energy, bypassing critical raw materials. It also plans to recycle nitrates into ammonia or urea through sunlight-driven photocatalytic technology, promoting a circular and sustainable carbon and nitrogen economy. | Gonzalo | Guirado | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB | CONFETI Project | Agri-Foodstuffs, Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How are Chinese investments in Europe shaped by the ‘de-risking’ narrative? | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | REDEFINE will examine what China’s rise means for how we understand global development and, specifically, Europe’s place in it. REDEFINE aims to use the insights from international development to interrogate Chinese engagement in the heart of Europe and, by doing so, reorient the Eurocentric debates in the social sciences around how we define and delimit development, who drives these processes and what it means for societies and communities affected by such investments. | Giles | Mohan | The Open University Milton Keynes | REDEFINE Project | Policy, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Colliding neutron stars: what do gravitational waves and electromagnetic flashes tell us about physics at the extremes? | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | Mergers of two neutron stars are related to many timely astrophysical questions, such as the production of gravitational waves, the densest forms of matter in the Universe and the cosmic origin of heavy elements. This project applies a novel computational methodology to strive for consistent numerical modelling involving a broad range of both physical processes and length/time scales. | Stephan | Rosswog | University of Hamburg | INSPIRATION Project | Space | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
What if bioprinting resolution is dictated by the living cell size instead of the instrumentation? | 29-06-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The innovation of HOT-BIOPRINTING lies in the development of a disruptive technology for single and automatised multiple-cell 3D bioprinting. HOT-BIOPRINTING capabilities for manipulating single cells for printing will drive a new paradigm shift: “BIOPRINTING resolution will be dictated by the cell size instead of by the mechanical component of the instrumentation”. This new technological advancement for resolution enhancement but maintaining bioprinting speed using holographic automatisation can open new opportunities to the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine community for responding to the demand for fast fabrication of complex microtissues and organ structures with un-precedent cell-driven resolution. | Daniel | Nieto García | University of La Coruña. | HOT-BIOPRINTING Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
A pioneering multi-omics data platform sheds light on the understanding of biological systems | 29-06-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The GLOMICAVE project has developed an innovative multi-omics data analysis digital platform, relying on big data analytics and artificial intelligence and using large-scale publicly available and experimental omic datasets. The project aimed to maximise the utility of omic data at a massive level and discover new links between animal and vegetable genotype and phenotype, understanding biological systems as a whole. | Núria anela | Canela | University of Barcelona | GLOMICAVE Project | Biology, Computing | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Exploring the route to a climate resilient future | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The EU-funded GENIE project will explore the environmental, technical, social, legal, ethical and policy dimensions of greenhouse gas removal and solar radiation management. GENIE aims to produce a comprehensive scientific assessment for evidence-based policymaking to address climate change, and to expand our toolkit for a zero-emissions future. | Benjamin K. | Sovacool | Aarhus University and Sussex University | GENIE Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The question of seasonal markets in Bronze Age Attab, Sudan | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The multidisciplinary ERC Consolidator Grant project DiverseNile explores a crucial part of northern Sudan as a case study to reconstruct Bronze Age biographies (c. 1750–1200 BCE) beyond the present cultural categories ‘Egyptian’ and ‘Nubian’. The main hypothesis that is addressed by interdisciplinary methods is that degrees of cultural diversity become archaeologically more visible in the peripheral zones of urban sites. | Julia | Budka | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | DIVERSENILE Project | Archaeology | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Breaking barriers to digital twin adoption: CP-Sens paves the way for SMEs | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | CP-Sens is working to make digital twin technology accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the mechanical and structural engineering sectors. The project is creating a user-friendly platform that combines sensors, simulation models and real-time data to create virtual replicas of physical systems. This technology allows SMEs to monitor, analyse and optimise their products and processes, leading to cost savings, faster innovation and improved efficienc | Giuseppe | Abbiati | Aaurhus University | CP-Sens Project | Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
A radical breach with Aristotle | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | ConLog investigates non-trivial logical systems in which certain contradictions are provable. The aim is to develop a clear comprehension of the contradictoriness of these logics and to study the consequences of this understanding within the philosophy of logic. Thereby, the project will yield a paradigm shift in our conception of what a respectable logical system and an acceptable scientific theory is. | Heinrich | Wansing | Ruhr University Bochum | CONLOG project | Philosophy | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Cellular communication: unlocking the secrets of ER-NE junctions | 29-06-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The conNEctoER project aims to reveal the mechanism governing essential junctions within our cells, the junctions that supply proteins and lipids to the cell nucleus. By combining electron microscopy and live imaging, we plan to elucidate the junction formation and function in human cells, shedding light on gene expression, nuclear organisation and disease mechanisms. | Shotaro | Otsuka | Max Perutz Labs in Vienna. | conNEctoER Project | Biology | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Final results of the Criminality, Victimisation and Social Interactions (CIVICS) project | 01-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | Overlooking victims of crime and their relationships to criminals has led to an incomplete and distorted view of crime and its individual and social costs. While a better understanding of these social interactions is crucial for designing more effective anti-crime policy, existing research in criminology, sociology and economics has struggled to identify causal effects due to data limitations and difficult statistical identification issues. This project will push the research frontier by combining register datasets that have never been merged before, and by using several state-of-the-art statistical methods to estimate causal effects related to criminal peer groups and their victims. | Katrine V. | Løken | Norwegian School of Economics | CIVICS Project | Society | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How practices make norms: autonomous and AI technologies in weapon systems and diminished human control | 29-06-2024 | 04-07-2024 | The ERC starting grant project “Transforming Norms Research through Practices Weaponised Artificial Intelligence, Norms, And Order (AutoNorms)” studies how autonomous weapon systems shape and transform international norms governing the use of force. It examines how practices make norms by investigating different contexts, such as the military or popular imagination, in four countries (USA, China, Japan and Russia). | Ingvild | Bode | University of Southern Denmark | AUTONORMS Project | Computing, Security | The PRj Volume 20 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Pointwise convergence of multiple ergodic averages – PCMEA | 14-03-2024 | 14-03-2024 | Given an arbitrary measure preserving system we show that the multilinear ergodic averages sampled along an arbitrary number of sequences coming from a Hardy field converge pointwise almost everywhere. We aim to prove this for as wide a class of Hardy field functions as possible. To do so, we establish a long variational inequality along lacunary sequences which implies a maximal inequality, norm convergence, and pointwise convergence. By a transference argument it suffices prove this long variational inequality in the case that the measure preserving system is the integers. This reduction allows us to use tools from discrete harmonic analysis, additive combinatorics, and analytic number theory. We then give applications in areas such as upcrossings, equidistribution, and combinatorics. | Max | O'Keeffe | King College London | PCMEA Project | Mathematical Science | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | ||
The NENU2PHAR project is developing sustainable, biodegradable bio-based plastics from microalgae | 13-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | The goal of this BBI-JU project is to develop across four years an innovative European value chain of PHA (Polyhydroxyalkanoate) based biodegradable bio-based plastics from sustainable and renewable resources: microalgae biomass and selection of bacteria strains. Eight PHA-based products with their respective end-of-life scenarios were developed and benchmarked to their fossil-based counterparts. | Pablo ALVAREZ | ALVAREZ | CEA, France | NENU2PHAR Project | Climate & Environment, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Building credibility of computational models in cardiovascular medicine through verification and validation | 13-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | Cardiovascular diseases affect 15 million people in Europe and digital solutions are now seen as very useful tools in the search for new drugs and medical devices. SimCardioTest is a 4-year project funded by the European Commission that aims to develop credible computer modelling and simulation approaches on a cloud-based platform for testing cardiac drugs and devices in silico. | Romano | Setzu | MICROPORT CRM, Clamart, France | SimCardioTest Project | Biology, Health, Medicine | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How ancient wisdom shaped the development of modern science | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | VERITRACE will enhance our understanding of the role of ancient wisdom writings in the development of early modern natural philosophy by employing state-of-the-art digital techniques on a large corpus of early modern texts. The project charts the spread of this discourse from Renaissance Italy to early modern Europe and identifies watershed moments in the reception of these ancient wisdom writings. | Cornelis J. | Schilt | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | VERITRACE Project | History & Antiquities | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Is the Atlantic Ocean circulation on the brink of a collapse? | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | The TAOC project aims to determine the probability that the Atlantic Ocean circulation will collapse under climate change before the year 2100. A hierarchy of ocean-climate models will be used to which we will apply modern rare event techniques. | Henk A. | Dijkstra | Utrecht University | TAOC Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Unveiling the unseen: next-generation cardiac magnetic resonance imaging | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | Cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims over 1.8 million European lives yearly, surpassing cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes fatalities. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is crucial for understanding and treating CVD, offering radiation-free comprehensive heart assessment. However, current CMR systems are slow, complex and require specialised expertise, limiting widespread adoption. SMHEART aims to revolutionise CMR with a one-click approach, creating a unique 3D whole-heart volume for automated cardiology diagnosis, prognosis and therapy selection. This project streamlines CMR, facilitating broader acceptance and optimising its impact on personalised patient care, including diagnosis, risk stratification, therapy selection, monitoring and image-guided interventions. | Aurélien | Bustin | Bordeaux University | SMHEART Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Stem cell rejuvenation increases health- and lifespan | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | Cancer is a disease of the elderly, and chemotherapy remains the mainstay of treatment. Unfortunately, older patients are highly susceptible to specific toxicities of chemotherapy, like myelosuppression and life-threatening neutropenia. ReSinAge explores the possibility of improving the regenerative capacity of the aged stem cell niche as an unprecedented, innovative strategy to improve the haematopoietic recovery and increase the survival after chemotherapy in the elderly. More broadly, we aim to provide proof-of-concept evidence that increasing the regenerative potential of endogenous aged somatic stem cells represents an important strategy for rejuvenating tissues and improving health- and lifespan in the elderly. | Carolina | Florian | IDIBELL Barcelona, Spain | RESINAGE Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Is there a Proteus of Nature? | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | PROTEUS studies the main strategies devised by Western philosophy in representing time in cosmology. It aims to modify current metaphysics and its relationship with cosmology in light of recent scientific debates in quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, thereby boosting new methods and research lines in the history and philosophy of cosmology. This objective has been achieved and gave rise to the COSMOS Network ( and to the proposal of reinterpreting atemporality and the notion of ordering in philosophy. | Silvia | De Bianchi | University of Milan | PROTEUS Project | Space | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The quest for better endometriosis care | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | The MultiMENDo project focuses on endometriosis, a gynaecological disorder affecting approximately 10 per cent of women of childbearing age. This complex disease is notably associated with chronic pelvic pain and infertility, leading to a reduced quality of life. There is a huge diagnostic delay and a lack of curative therapies. The project aims to find diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers and investigate new therapeutic approaches using menstrual blood, a relevant and easily accessible yet overlooked biological fluid. | Ludivine Doridot | Doridot | INSERM | MultiMENDo Project | Biology, Health | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The rise of nanomechanical biomarkers: how cell and tissue mechanics can help medicine? | 11-03-2024 | 18-03-2024 | “MechaDynA” develops two novel nanotools to allow force measurements on living cells. The goal is to obtain a complete, multi-scale picture of the physics of leucocyte adhesion. Technologically, it will establish two nanotools for force measurements on living cells covering the widest temporal range. This will open the door to unexplored physical phenomena in cell biology, biological physics and soft condensed matter. Biomedically, the expected outcomes will provide a mechanistic description of the physics of leucocyte immune response that may lead to better diagnosis and therapeutics. “Phys2BioMed” aims to identify biomechanical markers for the early detection of disease. The objective is to create an interdisciplinary research training network for early-stage researchers on the application of physical tools for the mechanical phenotyping of cells and tissues applied to early diagnostics. The network merged training from fields such as nanotechnology, physics, biology and medicine, defining the main features of new-generation instrumentation optimised for the mechanical phenotyping of clinical samples. | Mar | Eroles | DyNaMo | MECHADYNA Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Give plastic wastes from the production of hollow fibre membranes a second life | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | LIFE REMEMBRANCE’s ambition is a demonstrated circular production process of safe and innovative granules and cartridges for drinking water purification from emerging contaminants. The objectives will be achieved through the development of a novel technology based on the recycling of high-value industrial waste, deriving from hollow fibre membranes (HFM) filter production and validated with the collaboration of an internationally recognised utilities company. | Manuela | Melucci | CNR | LIFE REMEMBRANCE Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Making it organic: the Garg Lab’s approach to excellence in research while teaching the next generation of chemists | 11-03-2024 | 18-03-2024 | The Garg Lab, nestled within UCLA’s Chemistry and Biochemistry department, is a pioneering force in organic chemistry research. Under the guidance of Professor Neil Garg, the Lab has achieved breakthroughs in synthetic methodologies, notably contributing to the total synthesis of complex molecules like lissodendoric acid and (-)N-Methylwelwitindolinone C isonitrile. This accomplishment showcases the Lab’s commitment to advancing the field. | Neil | Garg | GARG LAB | GARG LAB | Chemistry, Education & Communications | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Farmers’ wellbeing is a concern for all of us | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | FARMWELL was a European Thematic Network project supported by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme between 2021 and 2023. The project aimed at improving the mental, physical and social wellbeing of farmers through bringing relevant social innovations closer to farmers and making practical information on social innovations more accessible. | Edina | Ocsko | E40 Group | FARMWELL Project | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Unravelling human migrations: DISPERSALS Project sheds light on early Homo sapiens' journey | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | DISPERSALS will compare the human occupation and ecology between central Mozambique and eastern and southern Africa using a multi-scale approach based on the study of regional diachronic cultural traits. It will reconstruct regional population patterns, followed by comparative quantitative population genetics combined with GIS computational network analyses. The results will then be integrated through agent-based modelling, based on the incremental creation, elimination, or reorientation of network links to simulate a quantitative framework to study the evolution of population dispersal across southern-eastern Africa. The project will be crucial in providing groundbreaking high-resolution archaeological, chronological and paleoenvironmental data. DISPERSALS will deliver a fundamental perspective on the key processes that triggered migrations and dispersals within Africa and out of Africa, ultimately resulting in the human diaspora over the entire planet. | Nuno | Bicho | University of Algarve | DISPERSALS Project | History & Antiquities, Society | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The communal art of Roman poetry – CARMEN, an innovative training network | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | CARMEN explores Roman verse inscriptions as an important manifestation of communal art in Roman society. Our project helps to regain an eminent body of European folk art tradition. The reconceptualisation of this heritage emphasises the diversity of social and cultural performance. CARMEN ITN enables 11 doctoral students to engage in academic research, issues of cultural heritage and knowledge transfer. | Marietta | Horster | Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz | CARMEN Project | History & Antiquities | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Modelling bee movements to improve pollination | 11-03-2024 | 13-03-2024 | The ERC Consolidator Grant “Pollination ecology: how do bees move across the landscape and fashion plant reproduction (Bee-Move)” aims to link the study of bee spatial foraging patterns in the field with pollen dispersal and plant reproduction success. It will identify key mechanisms of pollination on which we could act for ecological, economic or public health issues. | Mathieu | Lihoreau | Research Center on Animal Cognition (CRCA-CBI); CNRS, University Toulouse III, France | BEE-MOVE Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 19 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Revelation after three decades of ablation therapy: two loops instead of a single re-entry loop drive atrial tachycardia | 16-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | There is an urgent need to better understand and localise the sources of cardiac arrhythmia in order to improve its treatment. SmartHeart proposes a radical new approach—applying network theory to study cardiac arrhythmia mechanisms. Network theory has myriad applications throughout biology, physics and social sciences. However, it has never been applied to the heart. In this proposal, we will apply network theory to clinical data of cardiac arrhythmia, backed up by computer simulations, to automatically detect the source of the arrhythmia for complex atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. As we will identify possible ablation targets, the goal of this project is to improve the treatment for the patient. | Nele | Vandersickel | Ghent University | SMARTHEART Project | Biology, Health | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
REACHER: the exploration of the use of reactive working fluids for thermodynamic cycles | 16-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | With the aim to effectively increase the performances of power plants, refrigeration systems and heat pumps, this project proposes the use of equilibrated reactive working fluids instead of inert ones. It applies an original methodology that integrates thermodynamic and kinetic predictive tools to discover and characterise suitable reactive fluids, allowing for the quantification of the effects of reaction features on system performance and optimal architecture. | Silvia | Lasala | Université de Lorraine – France | REACHER Project | Science, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Growing strong muscle for better performance and weight loss | 16-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | Physical activity and exercise have beneficial effects on overall fitness and health. However, exercise-induced increases in metabolism require specific molecular adaptation of the muscle cells. This project aims to understand the molecular processes in the muscle during the adaptation to cold, exercise and obesity, thereby defining novel mechanisms of protein homeostasis with regard to the gene switch Nfe2l1. | Alexander | Bartelt | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany | PROTEOFIT Project | Biology, Health | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Fun in war | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | WARFUN investigates the plurality of experiences and affective grammars that are generally neglected by normative approaches towards war and soldiering. The project delves into the experience of war from the perspective of those who fight and aims to provide a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be at war. | Antonio | De Lauri | Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies | WARFUN Project | Psychology | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Next-generation mobile communication leveraging cutting-edge photonic technologies (Photonic 6G) | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | Our aim is to develop ‘Photonic 6G’, an all-photonic THz communication technology, by integrating advanced photonic methods. This includes generating low-phase-noise THz waves with microcombs and converting modulated THz waves into optical carrier signals. By leveraging these advancements, we aim to enable advanced modulation and multiplexing in the optical domain, ultimately achieving the integration for photonic 6G. | Takeshi | Yasui | Tokushima University | PHOTONIC 6G Project | Communications, Science | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How far is Chinese infrastructure investment in Europe a success story? | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | REDEFINE will examine what China’s rise means for how we understand global development and, specifically, Europe’s place in it. REDEFINE aims to use the insights from international development to interrogate Chinese engagement in the heart of Europe and, by doing so, reorient the Eurocentric debates in the social sciences around how we define and delimit development, who drives these processes and what it means for societies and communities affected by such investments. | Giles | Mohan | Open University, UK | REDEFINE Project | Economics, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Our plastic world – what does it mean for our health? | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | The interdisciplinary ERC Starting Grant project “Understanding the impact of nanoplastics on the development of neurological disorders (NanoGlia)” studies how plastic particles activate immune cells in the developing and ageing brain, thereby causing neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerational disorders. | Elvira | Mass | University of Bonn | NanoGlia Project | Biology, Society | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How minerals impact the storage of organic carbon in our oceans | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | MinOrg set out to increase our understanding of the oceanic carbon cycle, aiding understanding of how Earth’s climate and surface conditions have evolved over time, and pointing to ways that might improve climate change predictions. The project explored why and how OC is preserved in seawater and sediments, testing its hypothesis: OC and minerals interaction promotes carbon preservation in seawater and sediments to an extent that impacts the global carbon cycle and climate. | Caroline | Peacock | University of Leeds | MinOrg project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
MEMETRE – from processes to modelling of methane emissions from trees | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | The ERC Starting Grant project “From processes to modelling of methane emissions from trees (MEMETRE)” combines laboratory and field experiments to raise the process-based understanding of methane emissions from the soil-tree-atmosphere continuum and constructs a sound model for the methane exchange within a forest to be utilised in regional or global methane emission modelling. | Mari | Pihlatie | University of Helsinki, Finland | MEMETRE Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Material constraints enabling human cognition | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | Compared to our closest living relatives, who typically use fewer than 100 words, humans can build vocabularies of tens of hundreds of thousands of words. The ERC-funded Advanced Grant project ‘Material Constraints enabling Human Cognition’, or ‘MatCo’, will find out why. It will use novel insights from human neurobiology. These will be translated into mathematically exact computational models to find new answers to long-standing questions in cognitive science, linguistics and philosophy. The project will also explore how semantic meaning is implemented for gestures and words and, more specifically, for referential and categorical terms. To identify human cognitive capacities, MatCo will develop models replicating structural differences between human and non-human primate brains. The results will shed light on the biologically constrained networks. | Friedemann | Pulvermüller | Freie Universität Berlin | MatCo Project | Biology | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Cultural diversity in the Attab to Ferka region in Sudan: the 2023 season of the DiverseNile project | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | The multidisciplinary ERC Consolidator Grant project DiverseNile explores a crucial part of northern Sudan as a case study to reconstruct Bronze Age biographies (c. 1750–1200 BCE) beyond the present cultural categories ‘Egyptian’ and ‘Nubian’. The main hypothesis that is addressed by interdisciplinary methods is that degrees of cultural diversity become archaeologically more visible in the peripheral zones of urban sites. | Julia | Budka | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | DIVERSENILE Project | Archaeology | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Brain Effects of CONTRAceptives in long-term hormonal contraceptive users | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | The ERC Starting Grant project “How birth control pills affect the female brain (BECONTRA)” intends to characterise neuronal, emotional and cognitive effects of COC treatment and its reversibility upon withdrawal in a longitudinal design. The effects will be compared between the most commonly used contraceptives and between adolescent and adult COC users. | Belinda | Pletzer | University Salzburg | BECONTRA Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Plastic waste to sustainable solutions: accelerating the biodegradation of syn-thetic plastics | 15-11-2023 | 23-11-2023 | BioICEP combines chemical and biological methods to turn fossil-based plastic waste into natural, biodegradable substitutes for the packaging and pharma industries. It combines three technologies that enhance, accelerate and increase the degradation of plastics to levels far beyond what is currently possible. A triple-action depolymerization system breaks down plastic waste through chemical disintegration processes, biocatalytic digestion and microbial consortia. | Pablo | Ferrero | Universitat de València | AIMPLAS Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 18 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Revolutionary surfaces: boosting efficiency in aerospace and turbomachinery | 04-07-2023 | 04-07-2023 | ReSiSTant targets the optimisation of two industrial pilot lines by using micro and nanostructured surfaces for drag reduction. The objectives are to implement newly developed surfaces into aircraft turbofan engines and industrial compressors. The positive effects of using such surfaces could give benefits in terms of efficiency, CO2 and noise emission reduction, and a positive economic and ecological impact. | Andreas | Flanschger | Bionic Surface Technologies | ReSiSTant Project | Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Experience the precision of time: radiocarbon 3.0 | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | RESOLUTION aims to achieve an accurate and highly resolved chronology back to 55 000 years BP (Before Present), using some new floating sections of fossil trees. In fact, with tree rings, the resolution will be an order of magnitude higher, and using the most recent advances in the AMS technique, we will obtain confidence intervals of only a few centuries in glacial times. In this way, we can establish in a precise way the timing of when Homo sapiens arrived in Europe, their interaction with Neanderthals and the final cause of the Neanderthal extinction. The project involves fieldwork in the Mediterranean and Southeast Europe to find more glacial trees, study the exist-ing collection of glacial conifers, exceptional 14C precision for 14C dates in the glacial, and the cutting-edge methodolo-gy linking floating tree-ring chronologies to 10Be on the ice core scale. | Sahra | Talamo | Bologna University | RESOLUTION Project | Chemistry | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Phylodiverse and large-scale data perspectives on the origin of land plants | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | The multidisciplinary ERC Starting Grant project “Terrestrialization: Stress Signalling Dynamics in the Algal Progenitors of Land Plants (TerreStriAL)” combines evolutionary genomics and molecular biological techniques for the study of the closest algal relatives of land plants to shed light on the evolution of molecular circuits for plant stress response. | Jan | de Vries | University of Goettingen | TerreStriAL Project | Nature & Biodiversity | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Breaking the limits in glycan recognition by NMR | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | Breaking the limits in glycan recognition by NMR (RECGLYCANMR) is a multidisciplinary project that combines state-of-the-art chemistry and chemical biology methods, including in vitro and in-cell NMR, and biophysics protocols under crowding conditions to ask and answer pivotal questions related to sugar molecular recognition in Nature that are intimately related to infection and inflammation diseases. | Jesús | Jiménez-Barbero | CIC bioGUNE | RECGLYCANMR PROJECT | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Unique competencies developed through collaborative networks: synergies of the 4Cs | 03-07-2023 | 04-07-2023 | The ONCORNET2.0 (ONCOgenic GPCR Network of Excellence and Training) consortium (2020–2024) aims to consoli-date an international training network of early stage researchers (ESRs) focused on drug discovery for oncogenic GPCRs. The project methods span a wide range of techniques and disciplines aimed at furthering our understanding of two receptors heavily involved in oncogenic processes. | Martine | Smit | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | ONCORNET2.0 Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Increasing the sustainability of photovoltaic technologies | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | Building upon previous life cycle assessment of photovoltaic technologies, the sustainability of photovoltaic modules will be increased by improving the mechanical and optical properties of the glass and plastics (PET and EVA) used for the manufacture of the modules. The reduction of ion migration towards the active solar cell will extend the lifetime of the modules and facilitate their recyclability at the end of life. | Antonio | Urbina | Universidad Pública de Navarra | INAMAT2-UPNA Project | Climate & Environment, Energy | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
What is the future of city logistics? | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | The GoodMobility project seeks to revolutionise city logistics by recognising the mobility of goods as a public need. It proposes establishing logistics as a service (LaaS) with a focus on public value. Through innovative infrastructure, market mechanisms and operating procedures, GoodMobility aims to address the challenges and opportunities pre-sented by the increasing demand for the mobility of goods. | Baris | Yıldız | Koç University Industrial Engineering | GoodMobilty Project | Future Technologies, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The feline enigma: exploring the origins, dispersal and evolution of domestic cats | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | FELIX aims to unravel the intimate relationship between cats and humans. Through biomolecular archaeological meth-ods, it seeks to understand the origins of cat domestication and the global dispersal of cats. It will examine how cats changed their nutritional behaviour as human companions and document the temporal trajectories of pathogen infec-tions in cats, shedding light on the pathways of zoonotic diseases. | Claudio | Ottoni | University of Rome Tor Vergata | FELIX Project | Biology | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Ethics of data-driven innovation in the treatment and prevention of sudden cardiac arrest | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | ESCAPE-NET aims to discover inherited, acquired and environmental causes of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and to im-prove resuscitation treatment for SCA. A shared database of >100,000 SCA patients has been created and >10,000 DNA samples collected, with procedures for data access by researchers outside the project consortium. ESCAPE-NET has generated 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers. | Marieke | A. R. Bak | Amsterdam University Medical Center | ESCAPE-NET Project | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | ||
How can social media reshape power relations in urban planning? | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | This ERC Starting Grant project CoChina examines the impact of new media on power relations and public spheres in collaborative planning in China. It aims to have a new understanding of collaborative planning in China and a recon-ceptualisation of collaborative planning theory. The research employs an innovative mixed methods approach to re-search a wide range of case studies. | Yanliu | Lin | Utrecht University | CoChina Project | Policy | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
CARMEN: Communal Art – Reconceptualising Metrical Epigraphy Network | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | CARMEN explores Roman verse inscriptions as an important manifestation of communal art in Roman society. Our project helps to regain an eminent body of European folk-art tradition. The reconceptualisation of this heritage em-phasises the diversity of social and cultural performance. Carmen-ITN enables 11 doctoral students to engage in aca-demic research, issues of cultural heritage and knowledge transfer. | Marietta | Horster | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | CARMEN Project | History & Antiquities | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The missing mathematical story of Bayesian uncertainty quantification for big data | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | New machine- and statistical learning methods are being developed to process the ever-increasing amount of available information. However, these methods often behave like black-box procedures without any theoretical underpinning. In this project, I will derive theoretical guarantees but also limitations of such procedures and, based on their mathe-matical understanding, increase their accuracy in complex models. | Botond | Szabo | Bocconi University | BigBayesUQ Project | Mathematical Science | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Autonomy is not what you think: assessing the external costs of autonomous shipping through the AUTOSHIP IWW use case study | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | AUTOSHIP aims to speed up the transition towards the next generation of autonomous ships in the EU. The project will build and operate two different autonomous vessels, demonstrating their operative capabilities in short-sea shipping and inland waterways scenarios, with a focus on goods mobility. | Marco | Molica Colella | CiaoTech – PNO Group | AUTOSHIP Project | Climate & Environment, Future Technologies, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
ACE-Center for Evolvable Computing | 03-07-2023 | 03-07-2023 | The aim of the ACE Center is to devise novel technologies that will substantially improve the performance and the en-ergy efficiency of distributed computing in the next decade. ACE innovates processing, storage, communication, and security technologies that address the seismic shifts identified in the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) De-cadal Plan for Semiconductors. | Josep | Torrellas | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | ACE CENTER FOR EVOLVABLE COMPUTING | Computing | The PRj Volume 17 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Catch plastic litter before it reaches the ocean | 27-02-2023 | 27-02-2023 | Increased global production and poor waste management have led to a build-up of plastic litter in the world’s oceans. This has devastating effects on ecosystems and marine life. The flow of plastics into the oceans occurs through a variety of pathways, but rivers are one of the largest contributors. The LIFE SouPLess project aims to develop technology to catch plastics from rivers before they spread to the seas and oceans. It is a 4.5 years project (July 2018 – December 2022). Three main links of the chain of riverine plastic recovery will be tackled: from locating plastic hotspots with a dedicated numerical model to effectively collecting the plastics with systems and finding sustainable and cost-effective solutions for post-processing the collected litter. | Laura | Klinkenberg | Allseas, Delft, The Netherlands | SOUPLESS Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The TopSpec system: new levels in antibody characterisation by top-down mass spectrometry | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | In the TopSpec project, tools to establish the sequence repertoire of human antibodies and their respective antigens have been developed to better understand how the human organism defends itself against diseases. Results obtained confirm that this is a breakthrough technology that will revolutionise academic, clinical and industrial proteomics and dramatically advance the development of antibody- and protein-based therapeutics. | Roman | Zubarev | Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Karolinska Institutet | TOPSPEC Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Uncharted pathways of the Southern Ocean’s sink of carbon dioxide | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | The Southern Ocean sequesters vast amounts of carbon and heat from the atmosphere, thereby mitigating climate warming. This exchange occurs mainly during winter when intense mixing brings large volumes of deep water into contact with the atmosphere. SO-CUP investigates the magnitude and drivers of carbon uptake with novel wintertime observations made available recently with the deployment of autonomous profiling floats. | Bieito Fernández | Castro | National Oceanography Centre University of Southampton | SO-CUP Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Digital innovation in cardiovascular medicine: a multi-stakeholder business | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | Cardiovascular diseases affect 15 million people in Europe, and digital solutions are now seen as very useful tools in the search for new drugs and medical devices. SimCardioTest is a four-year project funded by the European Commission that aims to develop credible computer modelling and simulation approaches on a cloud-based platform for testing cardiac drugs and devices in silico. | Raphaëlle | Lesagea | Virtual Physiological Human Institute (VPHi), Belgium | SimCardioTest Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Removal and recovery of nitrogen with the Aqua2®N-process demonstrated | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | The overall goal of the RE-Fertilize project was to demonstrate a new removal and recovery process for nitrogen, producing a nitrogen product suitable for fertilizers, for example. In the project, a demonstration plant for the process has been built, and the process has been demonstrated in operational environment with a removal rate of >95% of the ammonium nitrogen. The produced ammonium sulphate has been evaluated and its agronomic effect proven. A conceptual design has been conducted within the project, as well as establishing a business case, business model and business plan for commercialising the process and product. | Anna | Lundbom | EasyMining | LIFE RE-Fertilize Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Is Europe going cold on Chinese infrastructure investment? | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | REDEFINE will examine what China’s rise means for how we understand global development and, specifically, Europe’s place in it. REDEFINE aims to use the insights from international development to interrogate Chinese engagement in the heart of Europe and, by doing so, reorient the Eurocentric debates in the social sciences around how we define and delimit development, who drives these processes and what it means for societies and communities affected by such investments. | Giles | Mohan | The Open University, UK | REDEFINE Project | Economics | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Towards understanding a complex borderscape in northern Sudan: the MUAFS project | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | The MUAFS project conducts a regional study of the Middle Nile in Northern Sudan between Attab and Ferka focusing on encounters of humans and landscapes in a marginal borderscape. The archaeological project considers all attested finds from Palaeolithic to Islamic times and compares its results with data from main urban centres of the region. | Julia | Budka | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | MUAFS Project | Archaeology | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Archaeology of dress along the Middle Nile | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | Fashioning Sudan is developing the archaeology of dress practices as a holistic method to reconstruct narratives of identity in ancient Sudan and Nubia. We will investigate remains of garments made of textile and leather, the artefacts that lay closest to our bodies from birth to death, and are at the crossroads between individuals, technology and social praxis. | Elsa | Yvanez | University of Copenhagen | Fashioning Sudan Project | Archaeology | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Towards faster, greener and easier to program computers | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | The ERC Consolidator Grant project ECHO (Extending Coherence for Hardware-Driven Optimizations in Multicore Architectures) aims to change the events that occur in multiprocessors such that predictions or decisions being made by the processing units will find the best possible outcome in the future. This way, large performance and energy improvements are expected in future computers leveraging ECHO concepts. | Alberto | Ros | University of Murcia, Spain | ECHO Project | Computing | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Prison, mental health and family spillovers | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | Overlooking victims of crime and their relationships to criminals has led to an incomplete and distorted view of crime and its individual and social costs. While a better understanding of these social interactions is crucial for designing more effective anti-crime policy, existing research in criminology, sociology and economics has struggled to identify causal effects due to data limitations and difficult statistical identification issues. This project will push the research frontier by combining register datasets that have never been merged before and by using several state-of-the-art statistical methods to estimate causal effects related to criminal peer groups and their victims. | Katrine V. | Løken | Norwegian School of Economics | CIVICS Project | Society | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Bread from air (and electricity): producing ammonia at the interface of porous carbons and room-temperature salt melts | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | The ERC Starting Grant project "Nanocarbon-Ionic Liquid-Interfaces for Catalytic Activation of Nitrogen" (CILCat) aims to establish a novel principle in catalysis that holds holistic perspectives for the activation of small molecules within electric double-layers formed between ionic liquids and nanostructured carbon materials. The electrocatalytic nitrogen fixation will serve as a model reaction at the beginning. | Martin | Oschatz | Friedrich-Schiller University Jena | CILCat Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The Marches Mosses BogLIFE project: putting nature-based solutions into practice | 23-02-2023 | 23-02-2023 | The project involves the recovery of the UK’s third largest lowland raised bog at Fenn’s Whixall, Bettisfield & Wem Mosses SAC on the England/Wales border. Using innovative rewetting techniques, the aim is to restore 665 ha of peatland habitat affected by peat-cutting and its ‘edge’ lagg habitat to transform it into a healthy functioning ecosystem for nature, people and the planet. | Robert | Duff | Natural England | Marches Mosses BogLIFE | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 16 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
ESCAPE-NET and PARQ: a continuity for resuscitation science | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | PARQ aims to create a network of researchers across Europe whose overall aim is to reduce the societal burden of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). To reach this aim, PARQ will conduct studies that focus on two dimensions: (1) prevention of SCA through the discovery of its inherited, acquired, and environmental causes, and their interaction, and improved recognition of individuals at risk; and (2) improvement of survival chances after SCA through the development and implementation of resuscitation treatments in the community. | Hanno | L. Tan | University of Amsterdam | PARQ-COST Project | Biology, Communications, Computing, Medicine | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Stimuli-responsive hybrid nanoconstructs for efficient theranostic applications in nanomedicine | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | The multidisciplinary ERC Starting Grant project “Hybrid immune-eluding nanocrystals as smart and active theranostic weapons against cancer” (TrojaNanoHorse) and the following ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant aim to develop a new generation of multifunctional theranostic nanosystems and apply them for improved cancer treatment, efficient cell imaging and for providing high safety for the hosting organism. | Valentina | Cauda | Politecnico di Torino | TROJANANOHORSE Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Next-generation precision antibody profiling; from science fiction to reality | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | The purpose of the TopSpec project is to develop tools to establish the sequence repertoire of human antibodies and their respective antigens, to better understand how the human organism defends itself against diseases. Results obtained confirm that this is a breakthrough technology that will revolutionise academic, clinical and industrial proteomics and dramatically advance the development of antibody- and protein-based therapeutics. | Roman | Zubarev | Karolinska Institutet | TOPSPEC Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Explosions in the cosmos: core-collapse supernovae | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | This is a project supported by OTKA and by the ERC Consolidator Grant project RADIOSTAR. The aim is to shed light on the production of proton-rich heavy nuclei that are measured in the solar system abundance pattern, using different sets of core-collapse supernova models and the latest nuclear reaction rates. | Lorenzo | Roberti | Konkoly Observatory | RADIOSTAR Project | Space | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The next generation of pest control is here | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | The PHERA project aims to accelerate the global transition to sustainable agriculture by establishing insect pheromones as a viable alternative to insecticides in row crops. The project is scaling up a new, cost-effective method for mass-production of pheromones and is developing application systems for their use in pest control in row crops. | Irina | Borodina | BioPhero | PHERA Project | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Chemistry, Nature & Biodiversity, Science | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
PaNOSC – Making FAIR open data a reality for Photon and Neutron Science | 07-11-2022 | 15-11-2022 | The Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud (PaNOSC) is a European project enabling open science through the adoption of FAIR principles across photon and neutron (PaN) facilities in Europe. To this aim, PaNOSC has developed and provided common policies and software and services connected to and made accessible via the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). | Nicoletta | Carboni | CERIC-ERIC | PANOSC Project | Computing, Science | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Motives and the Langlands programme | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | The MotLang (Motives and the Langlands Program) project, led by Professor Timo Richarz at TU Darmstadt Department of Mathematics, is devoted to notoriously complex and multi-faceted areas of mathematics—the Langlands programme and the theory of motives. Richarz believes that now is the right time to combine these two areas. | Timo | Richarz | Technical University of Darmstadt | MOTLANG Project | Mathematical Science | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Paving the microbiome way for improved food systems | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | MicrobiomeSupport’s mission is to guide the creation of a sustainable and circular microbiome-based bioeconomy. The project has contributed towards establishing standards for microbiome research and aligning research funding globally. Furthermore, it has developed a set of recommendations for a strategic research and innovation agenda in Europe and worldwide, addressing key policy challenges that can lead to innovative microbiome applications. | Angela | Sessitsch | the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | MICROBIOME SUPPORT Project | Agri-Foodstuffs, Science, Society | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
GEARING-Roles: a project to remember Lessons and thoughts from a four-year project | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | GEARING-Roles aims to implement six equality plans to pursue the recognition and promotion of the research career of women, their incorporation in decision-making positions, and the promotion of a culture of equality in organisations, deconstructing sexual roles to unveil gender biases that operate in processes of decision-making, selection and promotion of people and in the attribution of value and recognition. | Maria | Lopez Belloso | Universidad de Deusto | GEARING ROLES Project | Gender Equality | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
ELIoT: Enhance lighting for the internet of things | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | Project ELIoT targets the development of mass-market internet of things (IoT) solutions with a next-generation wireless communications network, light fidelity (LiFi), travelling over light instead of radio waves. | Christoph | Kottke | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, | ELIOT Project | Communications, Computing | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
EcoCare: more sustainability and less plastic for absorbent hygiene products | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | The EU co-funded LIFE EcoCare research (2019–2022) explored sustainable design alternatives for absorbent hygiene products (AHP) such as baby diapers, sanitary napkins and tampons. The project achieved a 10–25 per cent material reduction for the absorbent structure. Sustainable material alternatives from renewable sources could be applied in functional layers and fully met success criteria for period protection products and baby diapers. | Stefanie | Glathe | Procter & Gamble Service GmbH | LIFE EcoCare Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Digging deep to meet artistic interventions hidden in the digital fabric | 07-11-2022 | 09-11-2022 | The ERC CogGrant COSE project focuses on internet-based art that is not accessible in a straightforward manner and thus easily overlooked or lost. We develop new hybrid methods to retrieve and analyse online art and its embeddedness in socio-technological environments. With COSE’s MediaWiki archive, we hope to kickstart a future research environment for scholars. | Inge | Hinterwaldner | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | COSE Project | Computing | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Putting the Principles of Climate Change Adaptation into Practice | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | Coast to Coast Climate Challenge is the first LIFE IP project on climate adaptation. The project aims to create climate-resilient cities in a climate-resilient region. We do this based on the local climate adaptation plans the municipalities made back in 2014. The efforts in the project must be made more coherent and holistic, with added value and long-term sustainability. | Anna | Bonven | Central Denmark Region, C2C CC | LIFE C2C CC | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs | 07-11-2022 | 07-11-2022 | The AVANGARD project aims at the integration of three novel process units into an existing microfactory test bed conceived to produce urban electric vehicles by utilising 3D-printed parts. The project will prepare the environment for novel forms of collaborative distributed manufacturing amongst different EU regions. | Gaetano | Patrimia | PrimaPower | AVANGARD Project | Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 15 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Schistosomiasis solution is not as simple as mass drug administration: Lamberton Lab takes a holistic approach to break the cycle of infection | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | Schisto_Persist aims to understand why schistosomiasis is not reducing in some areas despite nearly 20 years of mass drug administration. Overarching questions: What is the best way to monitor schistosome infections and drug efficacy? Has praziquantel resistance been selected for and what is its potential for spread? What other factors drive maintained transmission? What other factors affect parasite clearance? All require improved diagnostics and interpretation to be answered. Here we discuss the advances the Lamberton Lab are making for Schistosoma diagnostics. | Poppy | Lamberton | University of Glasgow | Schisto_Persist Project | Biology, Medicine, Society | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The experience of war: the WARFUN project | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | WARFUN investigates the plurality of experiences and affective grammars that are generally neglected by normative approaches. Anthropological studies have emphasised the ambivalent sentiments that arise as troubles escalate during large-scale violence and the crucial role that social actors have in determining the magnitude and consequences of conflict. War can only be understood through the broadest and the most complex assemblages of emotions and imagination available. By taking the wide array of sensations and emotions into account, we will be equipped to understand how war blurs the boundaries between the extraordinary and the ordinary and foresee the long-term, articulated effects of war on those who practice it. | Antonio | De Lauri | Chr. Michelsen Institute. | WARFUN Project | Philosophy, Psychology, Society | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Developing commercial mushroom and vegetable production in an integrated food-to-waste-to-food biosystem | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | VegWaMus CirCrop aims to develop commercial mushroom and vegetable production into an integrated food-to-waste-to-food biosystem. The objective is to close the loop between food waste-based biogas production and reuse of the output after anaerobic digestion. Integrated mushroom cultivation is interesting from a circular approach; organic wastes are utilised for energy and crop production in a closed system. | Agnieszka | Jasinska | Poznan University of Life Sciences | VegWaMus Project | Agri-Foodstuffs, Climate & Environment, Nature & Biodiversity, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Smart personalised nutrition | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The overall objective of Stance4Health is to develop a complete smart personalised nutrition service based on the use of mobile technologies as well as tailored food production that will optimise gut microbiota activity and long-term consumer engagement. The project will focus on both the adult population (lean and overweight people) and children (lean, obese coeliac disease or food allergy). | José | Ángel Rufián Henares | Universidad de Granada | STANCE4HEALTH Project | Agri-Foodstuffs, Society | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Evaluating and acting on health and social vulnerabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The rise of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the last 20 years has increased the need for improved prevention and response. The EU-funded SoNAR-Global project will establish a sustainable international social science network to attract the active participation of social sciences and advance complementarity and synergy in the governance of prevention and response to EIDs and AMR. The project is driven by social scientists specialising in EIDs and AMR and aims to become an integral part of emergency response. SoNAR-Global will develop an open-access platform, adapt, test and assess vulnerability assessment tools and engagement models, and create and assess curricula for training social scientists and non-social sciences actors interested in working with them. | Tamara | Giles-Vernick | Institut Pasteur, SoNAR-Global | SoNAR-Global Project | Crisis Management, Medicine, Policy, Society | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
PURE: Prototyping emerging products from lignocellulose by zero waste pathways | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | This ERC PoC project studies the viability of lignocellulose-based resources for the synthesis of potentially fully bio-based speciality chemicals. It aims at introducing novel and sustainable yet cost-effective chemical manufacturing processes to a multi-billion market. Its objectives are to confirm the feasibility of upscaling it to an industrially relevant scale, outlining a solid strategy delineating the optimum product-market fit and paths towards commercialisation. | Katalin | Barta | University of Graz | PoC PURE Project | Chemistry, Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Cell ‘mechanomics’ A novel approach for precision nanomedicine in cancer | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The project goal is to provide an integrative approach for the rational and personalised design of drug carriers in cancer, using the mechanical properties of cells and particles as the main principle for drug targeting— based on cell uptake. Our unique approach uses physical differences between normal and cancer cells that can define the capacity of a given particle to be engulfed by a deformable cell in order to promote specificity of therapy. In the project, we aim to establish a correlation between cancer cell deformability, malignancy and ‘phagocytosis’. The project includes advanced technologies of microfluidics, nanotechnology and theoretical physical model. | Ofra | Benny | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | MTrix Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Initiating short-distance regional supply chains of timber products | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The project aims to initiate short-distance regional supply chains of timber products in the business sector and raise the demand for such products in several European countries. This will be achieved by implementing and extending the eco-label Holz von Hier® (or Low Carbon Timber® in non-German speaking countries) in value chains and raising awareness of the meaning and usability of certified products among private and public customers and professionals. | Gabriele | Bruckner | Holz von Hier | LIFE Climate Value Chains | Climate & Environment, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Developing high-performance heat exchangers for low-emission power systems | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The InDEStruct project is a collaborative engineering design doctoral training programme that provides a model for developing technology leaders, enabling them to apply scientific methods from academia to interdisciplinary industrial design. InDEStruct is driven by the need to develop more efficient and lower emission engine systems, with air charge cooling identified as the key enabling technology. To meet the challenge, InDEStruct brought together a consortium of industrial and academic partners in a novel and bespoke doctoral training programme, with four doctorates covering diverse aspects of mechanical engineering: structural vibration, stress and thermal analysis, additive manufacturing, multifunctional metamaterials, fatigue and materials development. | Milena | Bavaresco | University of Parana | InDEStruct Project | Climate & Environment, Energy | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Building for the future | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The IDEAS project is an innovative building-integrated RES utilising solar energy, thermal storage and heat pump technologies to generate electricity, heating and cooling. This hybrid energy efficiency application will benefit multi-purpose public and commercial buildings across a range of urban and rural climatic conditions. This will enable families, communities, and businesses to contribute to creating a low-carbon, sustainable future. | Sarah | McCormack | Trinity College Dublin | IDEAS Project | Built Environment, Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Global mobility of employees: creating an audit tool to support good practice | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action ‘Global Mobility of Employees’ (GLOMO) strives for a comprehensive investigation of global mobility into EU countries and within the EU and its impact on international careers. Using qualitative and quantitative research methods, 15 early-stage researchers and their supervisors explore the conditions for career mobility and advancement among self-initiated expatriates in Europe. The studies analyse key variables at the micro-level of individual employees, meso-level variables across a sample of different companies and macro-level factors capturing different institutional contexts at the national level. | Michael | Dickmann | Cranfield University | GLOMO Project | Society | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Global Mobility of Employees: Issues, results and impacts of the GLOMO project | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action ‘Global Mobility of Employees’ (GLOMO) strives for a comprehensive investigation of global mobility into EU countries and within the EU and its impact on international careers. Using qualitative and quantitative research methods, 15 early-stage researchers and their supervisors explore the conditions for career mobility and advancement among self-initiated expatriates in Europe. The studies analyse key variables at the micro level of individual employees, meso level variables across a sample of different companies and macro-level factors capturing different institutional contexts at the national level. | Maike | Andresen | University of Bamberg | GLOMO Project | Society | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Unearthing unknown archaeological sites in the Attab to Ferka region in Sudan: the 2022 season of the DiverseNile project | 27-08-2022 | 27-08-2022 | The multidisciplinary ERC Consolidator Grant project DiverseNile explores a crucial part of northern Sudan as a case study to reconstruct Bronze Age biographies (c. 1750–1200 BCE) beyond the present cultural categories ‘Egyptian’ and ‘Nubian’. The main hypothesis that is addressed by interdisciplinary methods is that degrees of cultural diversity become archaeologically more visible in the peripheral zones of urban sites. | Julia | Budka | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | DIVERSENILE Project | Archaeology | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Can microbiota modulation prevent the development of fatty liver disease? | 27-08-2022 | 13-09-2022 | The work described in this article is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “Building a Gut Microbiome Engineering Toolbox for In-Situ Therapeutic Treatments for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease”. We aim to develop new microbial therapies for the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Various strains from the Bacteroidetes phylum were investigated for beneficial traits protecting against NAFLD. | Diego | Garcia de la Morena | University of Groningen | BestTreat Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 14 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Striving for an adaptive, iterative, and proactive food safety system | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | FoodSafety4EU contributes to enhancing common efforts and building synergies within the EU Food Safety System through the co-design of an integrated and multi-stakeholder platform. This enables a network of FSS actors at the national, European and international levels to access resources efficiently, synchronise food safety research strategies, and share and exchange scientific knowledge. | Veronica | Lattanzio | National Research Council of Italy | FOODSAFETY 4EU | Agri-Foodstuffs, Society | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Counting every tree because every tree counts | 07-05-2022 | 20-05-2022 | This project aims towards a wall-to-wall identification of trees in global drylands and a study of their ecological services and socio-environmental determinants. The project will apply a new generation of satellite imagery at sub-metre resolution and extensive field data in conjunction with fully convolutional neural networks, a deep learning technique being able to identify objects within imagery at unprecedented accuracy. In doing so, we will lay the groundwork for new insights into the contribution of human agency and climate change to the distribution of dryland trees and their role in mitigating degradation, climate change and poverty. | Martin | Brandt | University of Copenhagen | TOFDRY Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Cardiac arrhythmia | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | There is an urgent need to better understand and localise the sources of cardiac arrhythmia in order to improve its treatment. In this project, we propose a radical new approach of applying network theory to study the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmia. Currently, network theory has a myriad of applications throughout biology, physics and social sciences. However, it has never been applied to the heart. In this proposal, we will apply network theory to clinical data of cardiac arrhythmia, backed-up by computer simulations, to automatically detect the source of the arrhythmia for complex atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia.As we will identify possible ablation targets, the goal of this project is to improve the treatment for the patient. | Nele | Vandersickel | GHENT UNIVERSITY | SMARTHEART Project | Biology, Medicine, Society | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The SCORE project: finding Earth 2.0 Does life exist elsewhere in the Universe? | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | The goal of the SCORE project is to enable the detection of other Earths orbiting bright, close-by Sun-like stars for which future ground and space-based missions will be able to characterise their atmosphere in the search for signatures of life elsewhere in the Universe. | Xavier | Dumusque | University of Geneva | SCORE Project | Space | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Thirst increases astrocytic release and synthesis of D-serine to promote water procurement | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | SCCMI uses single-cell sequencing to gain a whole-brain understanding of memory and motivational states. Study of thirst revealed the primary transcriptional response in the brain to occur in glial cells. Astrocytes upregulate the expression of an enzyme required to synthesise D-serine, a coagonist of neuronal NMDA-type glutamate receptors. D-serine, in turn, facilitates neural circuits that promote water procurement behaviours. | Scott | Waddell | OXFORD UNIVERSITY | SCCMMI Project | Biology, Science | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Breaking the limits in glycan recognition by NMR Glycans are everywhere. | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | Breaking the limits in glycan recognition by NMR (RECGLYCANMR) is a multidisciplinary project that combines state-of-the-art chemistry and chemical biology methods, including in vitro and in-cell NMR, and biophysics protocols under crowding conditions to ask and answer pivotal questions related to sugar molecular recognition in Nature that are intimately related to infection and inflammation diseases. | Jesus | Jimenez-Barbero | CIC bioGUNE | RECGLYCANMR Project | Biology, Chemistry, Medicine | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Reactive fluids for intensified thermal energy conversion | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | With the aim to effectively increase the performances of power plants, refrigeration systems and heat pumps, this project proposes the use of equilibrated reactive working fluids instead of inert ones. It applies an original methodology that integrates thermodynamic and kinetic predictive tools to discover and characterise suitable reactive fluids, allowing for the quantification of the effects of reaction features on system performance and optimal architecture. | Silvia | Lasala | Université de Lorraine | REACHER Project | Chemistry, Climate & Environment, Energy | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Development of practical tools for a circular water economy in H2020 | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | Project Ô demonstrates how local, small loops of water management can be beneficial in alleviating the pressures over a water management system while allowing for a circular economy vision of water. The project provides tools and approaches for the reuse/ recycle of water while assessing social acceptability and effects over the system. | Giulia | Molinari | IRIS srl | PROJECT O | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Robotic detection of early breast cancer | 07-05-2022 | 12-05-2022 | The multidisciplinary CRUK/EPSRC funded project “MAMMOBOT” aims to create a miniature flexible robot to navigate the mammary ducts and detect breast cancer early. The robot will be equipped with optical sensors using principles of endomicroscopy, OCT and Raman spectroscopy, to carry out in situ histopathology. | Christos | Beregeles | Kings College London | MAMMOBOT Project | Biology, Future Technologies, Medicine | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Through each other’s eyes: using first person perspective footage to enhance video feedback methods for parents and babies | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | Despite decades of research and parenting support programmes, children of mentally ill mothers remain substantially more likely to have mental health problems themselves. In this project, we shed new light on how to harness the potential of modifying parenting for the prevention of child mental health risk, and we study parenting using detailed, ecologically valid and genetically sensitive designs. | Rebecca | Pearson | Bristol University | MHINT Project | Society | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
An academic–industrial collaboration delivering better starting points for drug discovery: new compound libraries driven by intelligent design | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | Project iDesign’s primary research objective is to deliver better starting points for early-stage drug discovery. To this end, we have synthesised compound libraries comprising molecules that are demonstrably novel, structurally and functionally diverse, and lead-like in character. Designed with safety considerations from the outset, our libraries interrogate underexplored regions of chemical space and therefore complement existing diversity sets. | Liam | Cox | University of Birmingham | IDESIGN Project | Medicine | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Cracking the quantum gravity conundrum | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | The main goal of the HiSS project is to approach quantum gravity from a completely new direction—by providing the first working example of higher spin gravity (HiSGRA). HiSS will construct new consistent models of quantum gravity along the higher spin gravity lines, and explore and prove dualities in the condensed matter systems, which can be explained by higher spin symmetry and deduced from HiSGRA. | Evgeny | Skvortsov | University of Mons | HISS Project | Aerospace, Physics | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Writing on the margins: graffiti in Italy (seventh to sixteenth centuries) | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | The ERC AdvGrant Graff-IT project aims to develop a new interdisciplinary approach to the study of medieval and Renaissance graffiti (seventh—sixteenth century) as a historical source. The project will have an innovative and groundbreaking effect on the study of graffiti in their multifaceted complexity: writing, image, language, and material aspects. Innovative tools and methods will be used to build out the first digital archive of Italian graffiti. | Carlo | Tedeschi | University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti Pescara | GRAFF-IT Project | History & Antiquities | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Global Mobility of Employees: understanding societal, organisational and individual patterns | 07-05-2022 | 11-06-2022 | GLOMO strives for a comprehensive investigation of global mobility into EU countries and within the EU and its impact on international careers. Fifteen early-stage researchers and their supervisors explore career mobility and advancement conditions among self-initiated expatriates in Europe. Studies analyse key variables at the micro, meso and macro levels capturing different institutional contexts at the national level. | Michael | Dickmann | Cranfield University | GLOMO Project | Economics, Society | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How much groundwater is there, and how long will it last? | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | Inspired by decades of excessive groundwater pumping and aquifer depletion, GEOWAT will answer the question: How much groundwater is there and how long will it last? GEOWAT will use unique global modelling tools and case studies to assess the global volume of physically and economically extractable fresh groundwater, and determine the time to physical and economic depletion under future pumping. | Marc | Bierkens | Utrecht University. | GEOWAT Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Towards a three-dimensional mapping of virus-host proximal protein interactions | 07-05-2022 | 12-05-2022 | The SARS-CoV-2 proximal interactome project sets out to build a comprehensive, three-dimensional map of protein virus-host protein interactions inside living human cells. It aims to shed light on unknown mechanisms of infection. It is made possible by a combination of advanced interactomics techniques coupled with algorithms for the 3D visualisation of networks. | Yorgos | Sofianatos | SARS-CoV-2 Project | Biology, Computing, Medicine | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | ||
Sudden cardiac arrest prediction and resuscitation network: improving the quality of care (PARQ) | 07-05-2022 | 07-05-2022 | PARQ aims to create a network of researchers across Europe whose overall aim is to reduce the societal burden of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). To reach this aim, PARQ will conduct studies that focus on two dimensions: (1) prevention of SCA through the discovery of its inherited, acquired, and environmental causes, and their interaction, and improved recognition of individuals at risk; and (2) improvement of survival chances after SCA through the development and implementation of resuscitation treatments in the community. | Hanno | L. Tan | University of Amsterdam | COST PARQ Project | Medicine | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The EU LIFE integrated project Coast to Coast Climate Challenge apply partnerships to create systemic innovation in climate change adaptation | 07-05-2022 | 20-05-2022 | Coast to Coast Climate Challenge is the first LIFE IP project on climate adaptation. The project aims to create climate-resilient cities in a climate-resilient region. We do this based on the local climate adaptation plans the municipalities made back in 2014. The efforts in the project must be made more coherent and holistic, with added value and long-term sustainability. | Dorthe | Selmer | C2C CC | C2C CC Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Forms of humanitarian diplomacy | 07-05-2022 | 12-05-2022 | The project aims to study the policies, practices and impact of humanitarian diplomacy as conducted by state actors and international organisations. This study is of crucial importance to understand the effects of the growing overlap between humanitarian efforts and states’ foreign policy and the different ways humanitarian diplomacy is used to address complex emergencies and crises. | Antonio | De Lauri | Michelsen Institute and Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies | HUMDIPLO Project | Society | The PRj Volume 13 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Ancient angels as key to modern society | 18-03-2022 | 18-03-2022 | The making of Angels in Late Antiquity: Theology and Aesthetics (ALATA)” combines texts (in Ancient Greek, Coptic, and Syriac) and images (chiefly ancient mosaics) to research the origins of Christian angels’ figures. | Delphine | Lauritzen | Sorbonne Université, Paris | ALATA Project | History & Antiquities | The PRj Volume 07 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Silicon-photonics microwave oscillators closer to commercialisation | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Silicon-photonics microwave oscillators closer to commercialisation | Alejandro | Martínez | Universitat Politècnica de València | SIOMO Project | Aerospace, Science, Space | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
What happens when Chinese firms invest in European infrastructure | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | What happens when Chinese firms invest in European infrastructure | Giles | Mohan | The Open University, UK | REDEFINE Project | Economics, Society | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
KillCancer: nanobody-targeted photodynamic therapy to kill cancer | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | KillCancer: nanobody-targeted photodynamic therapy to kill cancer | Sabrina | Oliveira | Utrecht University | KILLCANCER Project | Biology, Medicine, Science | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Brains that fire together wire together: interbrain plasticity underlies interaction-based learning | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Brains that fire together wire together: interbrain plasticity underlies interaction-based learning | Simone | Shamay-Tsoory | University of Haifa, Israel | INTERPLASTIC Project | Psychology, Science, Society | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Artificial intelligence for air quality | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Artificial intelligence for air quality | Martin | Schultz | Julich Supercomputing Center | IntelliAQ Project | Aerospace, Climate & Environment, Computing | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Evolution in maximised efficiency engines for space applications: from GIESEPP to GIESEPP MP | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Evolution in maximised efficiency engines for space applications: from GIESEPP to GIESEPP MP | Cyril | Dietz | ArianeGroup GmbH | GIESEPP MP | Space | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Gearing-Roles launches the Nobel Run board game to give visibility to women in science | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Gearing-Roles launches the Nobel Run board game to give visibility to women in science | Maria | Lopez Belloso | Gearing Roles | GEARING ROLES Project | Ethics in Research, Gender Equality | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
European sudden cardiac arrest network: towards prevention, education, and new effective treatments | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | European sudden cardiac arrest network: towards prevention, education, and new effective treatments | Hanno | Tan | Amsterdam University Medical Center | ESCAPE-NET Project | Communications, Computing, Medicine, Society | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Natural technologies for sustainability: accelerating implementation | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Natural technologies for sustainability: accelerating implementation | Francesco | Mastrapasqua | EPTA | EPTA Life-C4R Project | Agri-Foodstuffs, Climate & Environment, Engineering, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Efficient design of labs-on-a-chip | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Efficient design of labs-on-a-chip | Robert | Wille | Johannes Kepler University Linz | DA QC Project | Computing, Future Technologies, Medicine, Science | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Atoms are small and fast, devices are big and slow: COGRA bridges the gap | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Atoms are small and fast, devices are big and slow: COGRA bridges the gap | Dennis M. | Kochmann | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | COGRA Project | Engineering, Science, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Autonomous shipping initiative for European waters | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Autonomous shipping initiative for European waters | Marco Molica | Colella | CIAOTECH srl (PNO Group) | CIAOTECH SRL Project | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Future Technologies, Science, Trade & Industry, Transport | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Consortium for Hall Effect Orbital Propulsion System (CHEOPS) | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Consortium for Hall Effect Orbital Propulsion System (CHEOPS) | Vanessa | Vial | Safran Aircraft Engines | CHEOPS Project | Aerospace, Space | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
BrennerLEC - Brenner Lower Emissions Corridor | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | BrennerLEC Brenner Lower Emissions Corridor | Ilaria | De Biasi | BrennerLEC | BrennerLEC Project | Built Environment, Climate & Environment, Society, Transport | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How do bees move across the landscapes? | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | How do bees move across the landscapes? | Alexandre | Dore | University Toulouse III, France | Bee-Move Project | Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Nature & Biodiversity | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs | Gaetano | Patrimia | PRIMA Industrie | AVANGARD Project | Climate & Environment, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Twinning coordination action for spreading excellence in Aerial Robotics | 31-01-2022 | 31-01-2022 | Twinning coordination action for spreading excellence in Aerial Robotics | Stjepan | Bogdan, | University of Zagreb | AeRoTwin Project | Aerospace, Science, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 12 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
LIFE Level(s) mainstreaming sustainable buildings in Europe | 29-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Mainstreaming sustainable buildings in Europe through awareness and adoption of the Level(s) Framework. | Benjamin | Petrović | Croatia GBC | LIFE LEVEL(s) Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Secure and resilient electrical power and energy systems: the SDN-microSENSE project | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Developing a set of cyberattacks mechanisms to ensure electrical power and energy systems are secure and resilient. | Panagiotis | Radoglou-Grammatikis | University of Western Macedonia | MICROSENSE Project | Computing | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Results of and lessons learned from TARGET | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Result and lessons from supporting seven institutions in develop and implement reflexive gender equality policies. | Angela | Wroblewski | Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna | TARGET Project | Gender Equality, Policy, Society | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
SynBioBrain: building biological computers from bacterial | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Building biological computers from bacterial populations. | Neythen J | Treloar | University College London | SynBoBrain Project | Biology, Medicine, Science | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Training a new generation of researchers for effective forest management strategies under the effect of global warming: the ETN Skill-For.Action | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Training a new generation of researchers for effective forest management strategies under the effect of global warming. | Stefano | Grigolato | University of Padova | SKILL FOR ACTION Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Rethinking debt by its limits | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | How can we rethink debt as a more sustainable and integrative social medium? | Bertram | Lomfeld | Free University Berlin | RESOLVENCY Project | Economics | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The upgrade in human evolution? It’s a matter of TIME! | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | The human evolution story is set to become more precise and detailed thanks to RESOLUTION. | Sahra | Talamo | Bologna University | RESOLUTION Project | Chemistry, History & Antiquities, Science, Society | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Radioactive isotopes: astrophysics answers in abundance | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Advancing our understanding of the solar system and life within it using radioactive nuclei. | Benjamin | Wehmeyer | Konkoly Observatory, Hungary and University of Hertfordshire | RADIOSTAR Project | Space | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Instantaneity beyond time | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Modifying current metaphysics and its relationship with cosmology in the light of recent scientific debates in quantum gravity and quantum cosmology. | Silvia | De Bianchi | Autonomous University of Barcelona | PROTEUS Project | Philosophy, Physics, Space | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
PROTEOFIT: healthy, fit muscle cells for exercise and obesity prevention | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Healthy, fit muscle cells for exercise and obesity prevention. | Alexander | Bartelt | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany | PROTEOFIT Project | Biology, Society | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The twilight zone of the Earth’s carbon cycle | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Entering the ‘Twilight Zone’ to understand the extent to which the ocean can mitigate the increase of atmospheric CO2. | Marti | Gali | OPERA co-PI | OPERA Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
ONCORNET2.0 launch online | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Oncogenic GPCR Network of Excellence and Training set to focus on drug discovery following online launch. | Martine | Smit | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | ONCORNET2.0 | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Correlative electron-photon spectroscopy without a laser | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Developing scanning electron microscopes into a practical tool for probing electron dynamics at the nanoscale. | Nahid | Talebi | University of Kiel | NANOBEAM Project | Physics, Science | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Behavioural signatures of intergenerational transmission of mental health: triangulation of epidemiology and developmental psychology | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Harnessing the potential of modifying parenting for the prevention of child mental health. | Rebecca | Pearson | University of Bristol | MHINT Project | Psychology, Society | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Newly discovered role of a breast cancer geneBRCA2in human reproduction | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Newly discovered role of breast cancer gene BRCA2 in human reproduction. | Hiroki | Shibuya | University of Gothenburg | MEIOTIC TELOMERE Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Responsible reduction of nitrates in the comprehensive water cycle | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Using rice straw to reduce the concentration of nitrates in the water cycle. | Placid Madramany | Sanchis | LIFE LIBERNITRATE CONSORTIUM | LIFE LIBERNITRATE Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
A local, healthy, and sustainable food factory on wheels | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | A local, healthy, and sustainable food factory on wheels! | Inge | de Bresser | EUFIC – European Food Information Council | FOX Project | Agri-Foodstuffs | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
EcoCare: sustainable design for absorbent hygiene | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Reducing the environmental impact of absorbent hygiene products (AHP) using sustainable eco-technology. | Stefanie | Glathe | Procter & Gamble Service GmbH, Germany | LIFE EcoCare Project | Climate & Environment, Society, Trade & Industry | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Composite Mould Based on 3D Printing—COMBO3D | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Composite Mould Based On 3D printing: hybrid manufacturing and newly designed materials open new possibilities in production technology. | Swen | Zaremba | Technical University of Munich | COMBO3D Project | Trade & Industry, Transport | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Beyond Massive MIMO: Living at the interface of electromagnetics and information theory | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Expanding the frontiers of wireless communication by unifying information theory and electromagnetic theory to characterise ‘wireless waves’. | Michalis | Matthaiou | Queen's University, Belfast | BEATRICE Project | Communications, Computing, Science | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
What do ancient names reveal about identities in the past? | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | What do ancient names reveal about identities past? Examining Scandinavian Iron Age naming behaviour from the perspective of material culture. | Sofie Laurine | Albris | Bergen University | ArcNames Project | Archaeology, History & Antiquities, Society | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Back to Egypt: the 2021 season of the Ankh-Hor project in Luxor | 28-10-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Back to Egypt: resuming the study of neglected finds from the tomb of Ankh-Hor in Asasif, Egypt. | Julia | Budka | LMU Munich | ANKH-HOR Project | Archaeology | The PRj Volume 11 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Closing the mineral cycle in dairy farming | 08-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Lely Sphere allows dairy farmers to limit the emissions of ammonia from their barns significantly, use the captured ammonia as fertiliser, and divide the animal manure into two mineral streams, giving the farmer the ability to optimise fertilisation for crops and soils by using the value of emissions. | Clemens | Duijnisveld | Lely | LIFE CMCD Project | Agri-Foodstuffs, Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Coniferous forests in the Mediterranean: an ecosystem of vital importance, threatened by forest management deficit | 06-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Forests constitute a fundamental piece of the territorial landscape. They supply raw materials, protect settlements, infrastructures, regulate the hydrological cycle and purification of water. In the context of the climate crisis, the role that forests play is in mitigating climate change, being the main terrestrial carbon sink of the Land Use Sector, Changes in Land Use and Forestry (LULUCF). | Miguel Chamón | Fernández | General Directorate of Natural Environment of Murcia Region | LIFE FOREST CO2 Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Natural technologies for sustainability | 06-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Eptas Full Transcritical Efficiency (FTE) and Extreme Temperature Efficiency (ETE) systems, will substantially contribute to replacing HCFC and HFC greenhouse refrigerants with CO2 in commercial refrigeration in a very simple, efficient and reliable way in any country, with any external temperature, allowing 10 per cent energy and 30 per cent installation and maintenance savings. | Francesco | Mastrapasqua | Epta Refrigeration | LIFE C4R Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Quantum computers are coming! But how to use their potential? | 06-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Quantum computing is becoming a reality, but automated methods and software tools for this technology are just beginning. DA QC project aims to develop automatic and efficient methods, e.g. for simulation, compilation, or verification of quantum circuits and will exploit design automation expertise proven powerful for conventional circuits and systems hardly utilised in quantum computing. | Robert | Wille | Technical University Munich | DA QC Project | Computing | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Using plasmons to harness infrared solar light | 06-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Increasing pressure to reduce global warming and deliver sustainable energy production requires innovative solutions. For instance in conventional solar cells the Infrared (IR) solar light is typically wasted, yet it has potential for photocurrent delivery. Employing low-cost and scalable methods the PLASMIONICO project is delivering some promising results. | Luis A. | Pérez | Institute of Materials Research of Barcelona | PLASMIONICO Project | Energy | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Merging advanced sensing techniques and simulation tools for future structural health monitoring technologies | 06-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Smart and autonomous mechanical structures that can perform online control of their health are critical in the future needs of energy transport to achieve greater reliability and performance of the employed structures (aircrafts, wind turbines, bridges etc.). By optimising maintenance and the capability to operate in degraded mode, this development in technology will be able to anticipate actions during service before downtime or failure occurs. | Ludovic | Chamoin | Université Paris-Saclay | DREAM-ON Project | Climate & Environment, Energy | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Carbon smart forestry under climate change | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Forest ecosystems are important components of the global carbon cycle. Four billion hectares of forest ecosystems (about 30 percent of the global land area) store large reservoirs of carbon, together holding more than double the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. | Dr Astrid | Reischl | Technical University of Munich | CARE4C Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
MetaCliniq: a metabolomics tool for the development of a personalised nutrition service within the Stance4Health project | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Unhealthy dietary patterns are leading to an increase in non-communicable diseases, and great efforts are being paid to promote healthier diets and lifestyles around the world. | José | Henares | University of Granada | Stance4Health Project | Agri-Foodstuffs | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Secure and private smart grid: the SPEAR project | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | The digital world we currently enjoy with intelligent environments and smart devices has not been accomplished without difficulty. Intelligent objects make our lives comfortable, more straightforward and automated. | Panagiotis | Sarigiannidis | Karamanli & Ligeris | SPEAR Project | Computing | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Cleaning our seas and oceans of plastic litter | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | As a leading player in the global offshore market, Allseas is concerned about the future of our planet. Working every day at sea, we witness first-hand the devastating impact plastic pollution has on the world’s oceans and marine life. | Elise | Blondel | Allseas, Poortweg 12, The Netherlands | LIFE SouPLess Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
A global social sciences network for infectious threats and antimicrobial resistance | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | The rise of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the last 20 years increases the need for improved prevention and response. | Tamara | Giles-Vernick | Institut Pasteur, Paris, France | SoNAR-Global Project | Biology, Computing, Science, Society | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Combatting internet time shifters | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | The Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronises computer systems across the internet (typically within a few milliseconds of Coordinated Universal Time) and is ubiquitously deployed. | Michael | Schapira | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | SIREN | Computing | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
What computational sciences can do for your heart | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Most people know someone suffering from cardiovascular disease. There are 15 million people in Europe currently living with heart failure. Not only does the condition lead to a lasting and significant impact on physical health, but it also affects overall well-being, manifesting in issues such as anxiety or mood swings. | Michèle | Barbier | Inria Sophia Antipolis | SimCardioTest | Biology, Computing, Medicine | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
PROmoting integrity in the use of RESearch results | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Good, effective policymaking—that produces outcomes that benefit, protect and sustain society, communities, groups and individuals - depends upon robust, rigorous, and interpretable research. If research is flawed by lack of integrity and by being unethically conducted, it is of no use to policymakers. | Emmanuel | Detsis | European Science Foundation | PRO-RES | Ethics in Research, Policy | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
ProFuture: shaping the future of microalgae proteins in Europe | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | With a global population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, there is an increasing demand for sustainable proteins sources as an alternative to conventional animal-based foods and feeds. | Massimo | Castellari | IRTA - Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology | ProFuture | Agri-Foodstuffs | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How does the viability of bone-restricted osteocytes regulate bone atrophy? | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Although the skeleton appears stiff and solid, it is, in fact, a dynamic and sensitive network, demanding a fine balance between the bone-resorbing osteoclasts and the bone-forming osteoblasts. Disruption of this homeostasis frequently leads to exaggerated bone degradation by osteoclasts, manifesting in pathological bone loss. | Aline | Bozec | Universitätsklinikum Erlangen | ODE | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
From advanced aircraft design to drug delivery | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | The sonic boom of aircraft has been known since the early days of supersonic aviation. It both fascinates and frightens mankind, even today. Put simply, a flying object that moves faster than the air in front of it can be pushed away causes a very strong and fast compression of the air. | Nikolaus | A. Adams | Technical University of Munich | NANOSHOCK | Mathematical Science, Physics | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The long road to determine microplastic trends in a Baltic Sea catchment | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | The behaviour and accumulation of microplastics (MPs) in the marine environment has been studied for years but is still poorly understood. In this context, the interdisciplinary MicroCatch_Balt consortium, consisting of environmental scientists, microbiologists, modellers, computer scientists, and ocean managers, is investigating the significance of land-based inputs as a source of MPs into the ocean. | Prof. Dr Matthias | Labrenz | Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) | MICROCATCH | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Spectrally resolved outgoing longwave radiation and its applications for the study of climate | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Earth’s climate is determined by the flow of energy coming in and out of the Earth-atmosphere system. When reaching the atmosphere, a fraction (about 30 percent) of the incoming Sun’s radiation is directly reflected into space. The remaining part is absorbed by the atmosphere and Earth’s surface and reemitted as heat back into space. | Simon | Whitburn | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium | iASi-FT | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
Wage inequality within and across firms: the role of market forces, government and firm policies | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Wage inequality has increased sharply in many industrialised countries over the past decades. In Germany, for example, real (i.e. inflation-adjusted) wages at the bottom 10 percent of the wage distribution declined by more than 15 percent between 1995 and 2010, whereas real wages at the top 10 percent of the wage distribution rose by more than 12 percent over the same period. | Uta | Schönberg | University College London | FirmIneq | Society | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
How to unmask unique vulnerabilities in leukaemia | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Acute myeloid leukaemias (AML) include a greatly heterogeneous group of haematologic malignancies that affects about 3–4 per 100,000 individuals yearly, resulting in 15–20,000 newly diagnosed patients each year in Europe. AML most commonly affects elderly people, with a median age that has reached 70 years. | Maria Paola | Martelli | University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy | ContraNPM1AML Project | Biology, Medicine | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The collapse of atmospheric turbulence | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | Many of us are fascinated by the daily weather. After all, continuously changing weather patterns affect the majority of our activities and plans. Yet, although we are familiar with day-time weather phenomena, such as the appearance of fair-weather clouds, most of us have not have realised that ‘night-time’ weather can be just as fascinating and relevant. | Bas | van de Wiel | Delft University of Technology, Netherlands | COAT Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
The lower emissions Brenner Corridor | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | European city authorities are implementing low emission zones (LEZs) in the fight to tackle high concentrations of air pollutants produced by urban traffic.1These zones protect specific areas by prohibiting or severely discouraging the access of the most pollutant vehicles. | Ilaria | De Biasi | The BrennerLEC Project Team | BrennerLEC Project | Climate & Environment | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) | |
From angels to personifications | 03-09-2021 | 02-02-2022 | The angel project was designed to fit a circumscribed topic focusing on a relevant yet limited timeframe (fifth to sixth century CE) and geography (Egypt, Syria, Palestine). The personification proposal we intend is more ambitious. | Delphine | Lauritzen | Sorbonne Université, Paris | ALATA Project | History & Antiquities | The PRj Volume 10 | Read Full Text | Download (PDF) |
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