By Katrina Hutchins

Conference on resource efficiency and sustainable consumption Copenhagen,

27 May 2021.

Presentations and discussion: 9 am – 12 pm CET
Networking/debate: 3 pm  –  5 pm CET

Programme and registration are available via i-REXFO
Registration closes 21 May 2021

Unsustainable patterns of consumption are a primary cause of climate change, land degradation, resource depletion and air and water pollution. Resource efficiency and sustainable consumption are the main responses to those challenges and contribute to environmental protection, enhancing human wellbeing, and achieving sustainable development.

The LIFE project i-REXFO

RangSells, a partner of the LIFE project i-REXFO, have organised a conference on resource efficiency and sustainable consumption to discuss these issues throughout five sessions with special emphasis on food waste, energy and biomass.

Conference speakers:

  • Mrs Carolina Gonzalez, Department of Environment at the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
  • Mr Luc Reuter, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Dr Ali M. Yaacoub, RECP Global Network
  • Mr Morten Enzo Gyllenborg, Solum Group
  • Ms Sofie Skovrup, Coop Danmark

The networking session will be chaired by RagnSells, the participants will be divided in five groups to discuss the obstacles in the i-REXFO business model related to the implementation in other EU countries, and to come up with suggestions on how to solve them.


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