FINDME Project by Felix Tropf

Finding the ‘missing environmentality’ FINDME   Explaining and predicting individual outcomes in a social population The wish to understand, explain and predict human behaviour and outcomes is a central goal in (social) sciences. Since the 1980s, empirical social research aimed to increase the credibility of their explanatory statements advancing methods for statistical causal analysis, in…


Publications: [1] “Inelastic Electron Scattering at a Single-Beam Structured Light Wave,” S. Ebel, N. Talebi Communications Physics 6 (2023) 179.   [2] “Phase-locked photon-electron interaction without a laser,” M. Taleb, M. Hentschel, K. Rossnagel, H. Giessen, N. Talebi Nature Physics 16 (2023) 869-867. Highlighted in the News & Views article: C. Kealhofer, “How…

Dr Nahid Talebi, Nanobeam Project: Interview with Q-SORT network:

NAHID TALEBI Q-SORT Women in Science Series Lectures Link to original article Nahid Talebi is a group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. Her research focuses on investigating near-field-enhanced electron-photon interactions using slow and fast electron microscopes. Her main interests include advancing the time-resolved electron microscopy methodologies and in-depth…

Press release: Nanobeam appear in Nature Physics:

New analysis method developed for nano and quantum materials Eva Sittig Press, Communications and Marketing , Kiel University Using electron microscopy to create ultrafast movies of nano-processes A slow-motion movie on sports television channels shows processes in hundredths of a second. By contrast, processes on the nanoscale take place in the so-called femtosecond range: For example, an…

Vestas aircoil A/S

Fast and Reliable Development of Heat Transfer Solutions Vestas aircoil specializes in providing individually designed heat transfer solutions that meet customer requirements and specifications.   Since 1956, Vestas aircoil has been a leader in charge air cooler design and manufacturing, starting with marine diesel engines. Throughout the years, we have become the preferred choice for…

PCMEA – Dr Ben Krause

Let (X, µ) be a probability space, and let T : X → X  be a measure-preserving transformation. If x ∈ X  is a point, the basic question that ergodic theory seeks to study is to what extent the orbit of x under iterates of T “equidistributes” in X with respect to the measure µ.…