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PneumoCaTChER Project

PneumoCaTChER Project

The University of Lausanne has been awarded an ERC consolidator grant worth nearly 2 million Euros to co-ordinate the PneumoCaTChER project over the next 5 years. They aim to reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying cell-to-cell variability and its importance in virulence and antibiotic resistance having already set up and developed a novel single cell imaging…



The COMANFLO project will be co-ordinated from ETH Zurich with an ERC consolidator grant worth approximately 1.9 million Euros Running for 5 years it will aim to prove global existence of statistical solutions in several space dimensions by using numerical methods to compute statistical quantities of interest and relate them to existing theories for unstable…

ChronosAntibiotics Project

ChronosAntibiotics Project

The ChronosAntibiotics Project aims to re-sensitise resistant bacteria to antibiotics. It is an example of an ERC consolidator grant awarded to and co-ordinated by The New University of Lisbon over a 5 year period. With antibiotic resistant bacteria set to kill around 300 million people over the next 35 years an alternative strategy to find…



The GENPARENT project will be co-ordinated by Stockholm University with a 5 year consolidator grant from the ERC. It will follow same and mixed sex couples with children to further understand and compare how parental leave and paid for work is divided and what consequences this has on careers. What in the past was known…



The NUCLEARWATERS project is an ERC funded project which will be co-ordinated at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The history of nuclear energy has always been about nuclear physics and radiochemistry, the NUCLEARWATERS project is going to adopt a new approach by instead analysing the history of water. It will investigate historical water-manipulating technologies and…

DarkComb Project

DarkComb Project

The DarkComb project follows a new direction of research into reliable microresonator combs is being conducted at Chalmers university of Technology through an ERC consolidator grant. The DarkComb project aims to substantially increase the capacity in light wave communication systems through the merger of space division multiplexing (SDM) and microresonator frequency combs to make significant…



Liverpool John Moores University has been awarded a 5 year ERC consolidator grant to carry out the research project BAHAMAS. It will question, in the first instance, whether the standard model of cosmology and the prediction tensions derived from it require new physics for large-scale structure (LSS) measurements. A modified theory of gravity or time-varying…

Asterochronometry Project

Asterochronometry Project

The University of Birmingham is co-ordinating the ERC funded Asterochronometry project over the next 5 years and is looking to accurately date the ages of tens of thousands of stars in the galaxy. By developing novel star-dating methods the project will carefully appraise the systematic uncertainties on age derived from a limited understanding of stellar…

The Insect Cochlea Project

The Insect Cochlea Project

The Insect Cochlea Project has the aims to develop new technological improvements for the constitution of grounds for next-generation miniature, super-sensitive acoustic sensors. It will be co-ordinated from the University of Lincoln with a 5 year ERC consolidator grant and will use a multi-disciplinary approach between biology, engineering, physics and mathematics. By using bush-crickets and…

JetDynamics Project

JetDynamics Project

The University of Durham has been awarded a prestigious 5 year ERC consolidator grant to carry out the research project JetDynamics. It will attempt to bridge the gap between mathematics physics and experimental collider physics to develop a new generation of computational tools and methods to study the dynamics of multiple strongly interacting hadronic jets.…

DECAF Project

DECAF Project

The impacts of deforestation on atmospheric composition and climate are an important factor to the understanding and development of new climate and Earth System models. Funded through the ERC and co-ordinated at the University of Leeds the DECAF project will address these issues. It will exploit and utilise new information from satellite and in-situ observations,…



Co-ordinated by the University of Oxford and funded through the ERC the PROMOFS project is a brand new research project in the field of nanoporous materials engineering. The focus will be on the discovery, characterisation and application of MOFs (metal-organic frameworks); this innovative platform will afford disruptive photonics sensing technology. Over the 5 year research…

topDFT Project

topDFT Project

The recently launched topDFT project will look at Density Functional Theory (DFT) and develop new theoretical approaches to density-functional methods. Awarded to the School of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham this 5 year ERC consolidator grant will allow the research to exploit the topology of the electron density, with accurate simulations of molecular and…



DYNAFLUORS is a 5 year research project helped by funding from an ERC consolidator grant and awarded to the University of Edinburgh. The research will endeavour to develop the first chemical toolbox for imaging the activity of immune cells in tumours, in real time, thus allowing the response to therapy to be monitored at the…



EPIDEMICSonCHIP is an ERC funded consolidator grant that will run for approximately 5 years and is co-ordinated by the Institute of Science and Technology Vienna (IST Austria). The monitoring of social insects (in this case ants) should allow the researchers to better understand how the collective defence of colonies allows the prevention of epidemics in…